These Girl Group Members Wear Makeup on the Weirdest Body Parts




Photo by Ilgan Sports

Photo by Ilgan Sports

The former Produce 101 contestant and the girl group Gugudan member Kim Se-jeong surprised everyone at the studio when she disclosed that girl group members wear makeup even on their knees.

Did any of you know this was a thing?

"With a mixture of concealer and some pink blusher, your knees are all set to be on stage," told the 21-year-old singer.

'Get It Beauty,' On Style

'Get It Beauty,' On Style

The former 2NE1 member Sandara Park was no stranger to this seemingly unusual practice of blushing one's knees. "Everyone does it in showbiz," she added.

"I didn't know you could apply makeup on your knees, but they do look better," said Lee Ha-nui, the beauty pageant winner who hosts the show.

'Get It Beauty,' On Style

'Get It Beauty,' On Style

The trick is to apply cream blusher as opposed to the powdered type. This knee makeup is known as "the Sulli's Knee Makeup."

By Gothesun and Arin Kim