[아그그21] 4월 12일





종합 23면

1.Made up of two Latin words 'Cum' and 'Clavis' which means 'together with'and 'a key'respectively, it refers the meeting which is held to elect a new Pope. What is this? (새 교황을 선출하기 위한 회의는? 라틴어로 '함께'와 '열쇠'를 뜻하는 두 단어로 이뤄져 있다.)

2.What are the names of the countries U.S suggested participating in the 6-way talk, which aims at solving the North Korea nuclear disarmament issues? (북핵 문제를 해결하기 위해 미국이 제안한 6자 회담 참가국은?)

3.This is an organization of a country which comprises of lawmakers elected by it people. It makes or changes its law and decides what policies the country should follow. (국가의 법이나 정책을 제정하기 위해 국회의원들로 구성된 기관은?)

4. It's a race where people run a distance of 26 miles, or 42.195km. This race calls for great endurance. So sometimes this word means 'Boring'. (42.195km를 달리는 경주로, 대단한 인내력을 요구하기 때문에 때로 '지겹다'는 뜻으로 쓰이기도 하는 단어는?)

◆ 보낼 곳=e-메일, 팩스 02-751-5132.

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