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중앙일보 프리미엄은 지난주(9월3일자) 2면에 4개 외고(대원·한영·외대부속·명지) 의 에세이 문제 유형을 게재했다. 이번 주는 그 문제에 대해 학생들이 보내온 답안 중, 가장 우수한 것을 골라 소개한다. 답안 선정과 첨삭 설명은 이지외국어학원 외고입시연구소가 맡았다. 문의 02-554-1452.

대원외고 선정답안

[예상문제] 대한민국의 인터넷보급은 세계 최고의 수준으로 인정받고 있다. 하지만 최근 인터넷 게시판에 악성 댓글을 달아 연예인을 포함한 일반사람들까지도 큰 피해를 보고 있다. 정보제공과 같은 인터넷 사용으로 인한 많은 장점에도 불구하고 인터넷에 의한 피해사례가 지속적으로 보도되고 있다. 

위 글을 읽고 인터넷의 피해에 대한 학생의 생각을 쓰시오.
>>>조지은·오륜중 3학년
Sometimes, the advancement of technology induces people’s criticism. However, people should not blame the technology itself, or the creator. We should blame the people that deviate from the technology’s original and pure purpose. Some nuisances that are triggered by using the internet are also included in this field. why does the internet give unrelated internet users detriments?
 Every country, especially Korea, develops profuse skills to utilize the internet effectively, and it has expanded it’s range all over the country. The problem is that these changes were done exponentially. I want to point out a cultural phenomenon to explain the previous question I stated in the first paragraph. First of all, we can see a cultural lag phenomenon happening in the cyber world.
Cultural lag occurs when a society cannot correspond with the development of technology. Then, there will be conflicts and serious social problems in that society. In other words, because the social systems in our society have not yet changed as fast as the internet, many troubles such as “diabolical replies” are prevalent these days.
There need to be some immediate and adequate measures to change the social system and citizens’ customs. A possible solution to this problem is when writing comments the author should reveal his name when writing comments on web pages.
There are many other solutions; the most important thing is that users have a straight forward attitude when entering into the cyber world. Some people tend to think that it’s fine behaving badly even though it may be detrimental to other people. These citizens of virtual reality, should not damage the internet’s original intention.
In conclusion, radical development of the internet has led to a cultural lag situation, and it has resulted in the social conflict that we now face. To solve these problems, people have to try harder to use the internet only for pure intention.
TIP▶ 오늘날 인터넷 이용에 속한 문제들을 적절하게 소개하고 있다. 조지은 학생은 이 글을 통해 인터넷 세대에 관련된 효과적이고 확실한 장점을 말하고 있다. 인터넷이 올바르게 쓰일 수 있는 반면 부적절하게 쓰일 수도 있는 점을 명확히 주장했다. 조 양이 말하는 것처럼 모두가 책임의식을 갖고 인터넷의 올바른 사용을 위해 노력해야 한다는 점은 대부분 공감할 수 있는 내용이다.
한영외고 선정답안 

[예상문제] Whether human activity harms or helps the Earth is a prevalent topic undergoing serious debate. There exists two obvious opinions regarding this controversy. The Earth is being harmed by human activity, and pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

>>>유덕재·이대부중 3학년
The rate at which we continue to pollute the planet is one of the most serous threats to humanity, which seems contradictory because humanity appears to be quite unconcerned about it. Those who consider the improvement of pollution as a primary concern state that the issue of air pollution is evidence of human advancement. China is a typical example, they appear proud of watching smog, exhaust, and emissions from factories rise into the atmosphere. This toxic air will cause lungs or other related organs to be slowly shut down over time, which can lead to one’s death.
The destruction of marine environments has also happened due to human activities for civilization’s development. Ironically, this push for development is now threatening humans with the serious shortage of drinkable water. One’s body is composed of approximately seventy percent water and this percentage needs to be maintained at a normal rate. A lack of drinkable water will lead to the many problems; for example, a shortage of water for farming and an increase in water price, which for those who can’t afford it may die from dehydration. In comparison, as the price of oil increases many cannot afford it, as water costs rise only the wealthy are able to purchase it. Those who are poor may perish from a shortage of drinkable water. If this problem is not contained our worst fears will come true in the few decades.
It is undeniable that people are beginning to show a real concern over the above problems. Measures are being taken to cope with this situation, these are far from enough.
From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the Earth is being harmed by human activity. It is hoped that all the measures we are taking now will be effective one day and bring back a healthy world.
TIP▶ 지구 온난화와 오염에 관해 모든 사람들의 말을 대변하고 있다. 유덕재 학생이 말한 오염을 줄여나가기 위한 노력에 동의한다. 그러나 그 방법에 대한 충분한 설명이 필요하다. 중국은 전형적인 개발도상국가이며 성장하는 사회다. 이런 중국의 단면을 예로서 잘 나타내 주었다.
외대부속외고 선정답안

[예상문제] If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

>>>차윤지·서운중 3학년
For several decades, my hometown of Seoul has looked toward only one direction: up. Everything has been growing, resulting in great prosperity of developed facilities. Now, we all need to stop, and look back at the side-effects that it has created. If I could change one important thing about my hometown it would be solving the traffic problems.
The benefits of solving this problem will bring both personal and social profits, rather than creating more technological innovations.
Solving traffic problems can lead to reducing pollution. Pollution is affecting our environment and in turn all the people who live in it. Everyday, we are unknowingly inhaling automobile exhaust fumes and thus our lungs are slowly becoming tainted. Pollution is increasing asthmatic patients and lung cancer. However, by reducing pollution people in Seoul would gradually find themselves exposed to cleaner air, enjoying better health, people will be able to exercise more, and roam around freely without any difficulty. A less number of vehicles would at least offer an opportunity for people to breathe comfortably and stop people from coughing or gagging. By controlling traffic it will lessen the number of cars and cut down on the amount of pollution which can provide a healthier and cleaner life.
In addition to health concerns, less traffic can also reduce commuting time for company workers and students. Those who use individual automobiles find themselves stuck in traffic, especially during certain times of the morning and evening, known as rush hour. Due to this phenomenon, there are quite a large number of businessmen starting their days earlier to prevent from being late. Although this situation has become common, is it not efficient and they would rather stay at home longer not being restricted by time. Furthermore, students who attend several academies spend too much time traveling in the car or are sometimes late to class. Personally, when I travel to an academy by car, I would rather be studying effectively with that time than being stuck in traffic.
Our hometown has decided to practice the rule of not driving cars for one day per work week. However, we still need further improvement. Changes must sometimes be made by using ultra modern and innovative thinking. However, my hometown of Seoul is a little different. In order to develop and contribute to the entire world, solving traffic problems can lead to success. By creating less traffic, both pollution and the time it takes to travel from one destination to another will decrease. We need to take steps to revise our traffic problems and this will allow our country to develop and to rise as a truly advanced country.
TIP▶ 세계적 중심도시로서 서울의 교통체증은 큰 문제가 아닐 수 없다. 차윤지 학생이 제시한 ‘도로상 차량의 감량’은 해결책으러써 매우 논리적이다. 원활한 교통을 위한 대중교통의 증량으로 시민들의 충분한 교통편의를 마련해야 할 것이다. 이 글의 서두 부분은 잘 구성돼 있다. 한가지 덧붙이자면, 해결방안에 대한 좀더 구체적인 내용을 더 큰 시각에서 나열하면 더 좋은 에세이가 될 것이다.
명지외고 선정답안

[예상문제] 2. Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

>>>유상범·갈뫼중 2학년
These days many children practice sports almost daily. Recently, practicing sports has become an important part of a child’s life. A number of parents worry because they think their children shouldn’t spend as much time playing sports, but should put more effort into their studies.
Spending lots of time practicing sports may seem as a waste of time from a parent’s point of view. They always feel anxious when they see there child involved in physical activity. However, children have a different frame of mind; they think practicing sports is a kind of studying.
They learn new skills from grown-ups and can also share information about that particular sport with others. Parents and children have always had different mindsets towards sports and this is an argument that may be a problem that can never be solved.
There are many advantages and disadvantages to a child practicing sports. One of these advantages is that they can make lots of friends. By simply playing soccer children can easily make friends with the students who are addicted to soccer. The most important thing is that kids are meeting new friends and this makes it easier to adjust to a new environment, and playing sports really helps too.
Another advantage is that they can improve their health and immune system. Massive amounts of students who get sick easily are generally the students who are very weak and not active.
Furthermore, those students rarely have good grades in Physical Education. So, by playing sports you can decrease expenses on curing disease and buying medicine. By staying active and exercising regularly students can stay healthy.
However, you can’t always expect good results by practicing sports. The time that a child spends playing sports, is time that his studies lose. The child’s mind will always be focused on the field and he won’t be able to concentrate on his studies. This is very dangerous if he is not prepared for class because he has been practicing to be a professional in that sport.
He might be a good soccer player, but he can never be a soccer player in the future because this is a very harsh and challenging goal. If this mindset continues the child will lose focus on studying, and sports could jeopardize his academic career.
TIP▶ 한국 사회의 단면으로 ‘학부모의 교육 열기’를 들 수 있다. 유상범 군의 글은 한국 학생들의 체육활동이 얼마나 필요한가에 대해 잘 말해주고 있다. 이 글은 부모와 자녀 양쪽의 입장을 모두 잘 나타내고 있다. 그와 더불어 체육 활동의 정신적·육체적 필요성을 되새겨 보는 기회가 되기를 바란다.