Official Statement of National Emergency Center Regarding Taeyeon's Privileges



Photo of Taeyeon(left) and car crash taken by the self-claimed victim. Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

Photo of Taeyeon(left) and car crash taken by the self-claimed victim. Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

The on-site crew of the National Emergency Management Agency, commonly referred to as 119 in Korea for its direct-dial number, clarified that Taeyeon was not given any celebrity privileges regarding her car crash.

"We deal with people's lives."

There have been accusations of Taeyeon, who caused the accident, being prioritized over the more severely hurt victims.

Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

On Nov. 29, an official of the 119 Emergency Center stated "We arrived on site after receiving a call of a 3-car crash. Drivers and passengers were bruised and spoke of low back pains. Out of the three cars, only Taeyeon's airbag was deployed, causing her chest pain."

119 Emergency Center added "While the crew, deeming Taeyeon's injury more serious, tried to take Taeyeon to the hospital first, she quickly said that she was okay and that she would go to the hospital on her own. Therefore, we left her to be and only took the other three (the Audi driver and the two taxi passengers) to the hospital.

Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

119 Emergency Center underlined that there were no privileges or perks given to Taeyeon.

The Center stated "While we did not drive Taeyeon to the hospital via the ambulance truck, even if we did, it would have had nothing to do with celebrity perks. We're the emergency department, we deal with people's lives. It makes absolutely no sense that we would prioritize the life of a celebrity over others," and added "What's also important is that in an emergency, you don't distinguish victims and perpetrators. We regard all people's lives equally important. Our priorities are decided on how severely one is hurt, not by who's the least faulty."

Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

Photo from Instagram @taeyeon_ss

Gangnam Police Station, Seoul, revealed that Taeyeon's Benz rear-ended a K5 taxi, en route from subway no.7 Hak-dong station to Nonhyeon station, around 08:00 pm, Nov. 28. The taxi, in turn, crashed into an Audi in front. Two taxi passengers and the driver of the Audi were taken to the hospital. They are reported to have suffered no external injuries.

Taeyeon's agency SM Entertainment apologized, saying that "Taeyeon's careless driving is to blame for the car crash. We'll do whatever is necessary to mend the accident." However, respective posts by those claiming to be the victim and the tow truck driver on site and presenting contrasting details on the crash caused much confusion and heated controversy among fans and the public.

By Goldbin and Suwon Han