Author of 'The Princess Diary' Applauds TWICE's 'What Is Love?' MV



Anne Hathaway on The Princess Diary (left) and Nayeon of TWICE as Mia on 'What Is Love?' MV (right)

Anne Hathaway on The Princess Diary (left) and Nayeon of TWICE as Mia on 'What Is Love?' MV (right)

Meg Cabot, author of The Princess Diaries, applauded the music video for TWICE's newly released single 'What Is Love,' makes reference to the popular novel.

Meg Cabot approves.

On April 12 KST, Ms. Cabot tweeted “OMG I LOVE K Pop in general but the ‘What Is Love’ video that references The Princess Diaries is THE BEST EVER!” with a link of the music video.

The movie ‘The Princess Diaries’ starring Anne Hathaway is based on the novel of the same title. The story revolves around the protagonist Mia who one day finds out that she is a descendant to the Kingdom of Genovia.

Nayeon, the leader of TWICE, played the role of Mia in the music video, a screenshot of which Meg Cabot tweeted out.

'What Is Love' music video reached over 26M views in three days since upload.

By Goldbin and Arin Kim