Eyewitness Accounts are Spreading on That BTS' RM Received a Physical Examination for Military Service



Photo from BTS official Twitter&Voomvoom

Photo from BTS official Twitter&Voomvoom

BTS confronts the military service?

Sightings of RM, the leader of BTS at the site of physical examination for military service is spreading amongst online community.

South Korea is a country where a military service is compulsory, and therefore men are to receive a physical examination to be ranked from a level 1 to 7 from highest to lowest to determine whether they are capable of fulfilling the military duties.

Photo from BTS official Twitter

Photo from BTS official Twitter

On July 11 (KST), new postings have been made on several online communities that numbers of people received a physical examination with BTS' RM.

One netizen claimed "RM dozed off time to time as he seemed exhausted, but was smiling when talking to doctors and authorities. There has been saying that RM had a 'free pass', but it isn't true. He waited in line like other examinees."

Another netizen said "RM was standing in the opposite line while getting his weight and height measured. He was tall and had a nice build."

And the news of RM receiving physical examination was even broadcasted on radio programs on the day.

When this has taken air quickly through online communities and Social Media sites, some fans worried about the problems of military service ahead of BTS. Based on the legislation of Korea, males are to fulfill military service until the age of 29.

With fans' growing concern, one reassured that "RM's physical examination doesn't confirm him joining the army anytime soon, but just that he received the test that every Korean male have to go through."

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) let all Korean males to receive this physical examination regardless of them joining of the army or not. It actually needs to be done at the age of 19, but those who are going in and out of countries often due to the vocational activities like RM could possibly delay the procedure.

However, males are not joining the army upright upon the physical examination and thus fans' concern about RM's impending enlistment shouldn't be too necessary.

Photo by voomvoom

Photo by voomvoom

Photo by voomvoom

Photo by voomvoom

By Gothesun and Jaeyeon Ryu