How JUNGKOOK of BTS Asks a Girl Out



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Photo from online community

Jungkook is the "macho" of BTS. How do you think he would ask a girl out?

Jungkook tells it all.

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Photo from online community

Jungkook guested on a radio show hosted by Shindong of Super Junior in April 2014. On the show, Shindong asked then-18-year-old Jungkook how he would ask a girl out if he were to do so.

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Photo from Youtube

"I don't think I could do it face to face. I'm too shy," he trailed off. "So I think I would text her," he added.

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Photo from online community

When Shindong followed up and asked, "what would you say?" Jungkook replied, "I think I would just say I like you like a guy should."

Do you think Jungkook would still ask his crush out the way he said he would four years ago?

By Gothesun and Arin Kim