Happiest Moments in the Lives of BTS ⑦: JIMIN Cherishes Every Moment with ARMYs



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Photo from online community

If you were to pick one boy band most loved in the world at the moment, BTS would certainly make the cut. BTS enjoys a global adoration and popularity. Which moment in their successful career would the BTS boys pick as their happiest? "ARMYs" was the first thought that popped into their minds. The seven superstars take turns to share the happiest moment in their lives as BTS.

So sweet.

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Photo from online community

SK Telecom had an interview with Jimin last year. Asked about his happiest moment as an artist, Jimin answered, "every single moment meeting my fans who cheer me on!" It seems that Jimin's happiest moment as BTS is meeting ARMYs at concerts.

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Photo from online community

Well then, who does Jimin want to make happy? In a previous interview, Jimin answered, "Myself, my members, and most importantly my ARMYs who I hold dear to my heart…I wish I could make all happy." Like the sweetheart he is, he put ARMY's happiness before his.

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Photo from online community

BTS has a packed schedule for the new year already, despite it being only mid-February. BTS has a new album on the way and, as always, the countless concerts and on stage performances to come. Asked what he wanted to do on his day off, he answered, "eat yummy stuff, play pool, go on a trip." What simple wishes. ARMYs are fully content with Jimin just being there, so we sincerely hope that Jimin can cross off his list one by one his simple wishes of eating lots and lots of delicious food.

By Gothesun and Suwon Han voomvoomk@gmail.com