long term symptom



Q : Hi! I don't have Korean OS in my computer,
sorry about this.
I am having same symptoms for almost seven years. The symptoms are fever, chill, sweat, pain all over the body, cough, some spots on feet, and fatigue. It happens one or twice a year and last more than two month. This year it is lasting for six weeks by today.

I went through many tests so far including yearly x-ray, bone-marrow biopsy, CT for body and head, many blood tests, and AIDS test also. Nothing was found wrong.
I am going to have Gallium Scan (Nuclear Medicine) next monday.
I have met more than twenty doctors including infectionist, eastern medicine, and psychologist.
When I was searching for information I found this website. I wish you can help me in some way.

A : Hi!
I am an infectious diseases doctor at Korea Universiry Guro Hospitla at Seoul.
You had chronic, recurrent febrile illnesses for last seven years. There are three main categories of diseases as causes of fever of unknown origin, such as infectious diseases, cancer, and connective tissue diseases.
I guess the possibility of cancer and acute bacterial
infections are very low.

In Korea, the most common cause of FUO is
extra-pumonary tuberculosis. The other possible causes are connective tissue diseases, such as SLE(systemic lupus erythematosus).
I am not sure whether you have a real fever. I would like to know which degree your temperature was and variation and pattern of fever. I would like to know
the laboraotry data you got. (complete blood count, ESR, CRP, liver function test etc.) And do you took any pills ? Other important informations for differential diagnosis are occupation, travel history,
past medical history, medication, and so on. There are so many causes of FUO.

Miscellaneous acuses of FUO are drug fever, factitious fever, central fever, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Anyway, most textbooks described the prognosis of FUO are good.
I really hope you will get well soon.
I am looking forward hearing good news.

Best regards,