BTS' RM Undergoes Successful Surgery and Is Recovering…Further Check-ups Needed



RM. Photo from BTS facebook.

RM. Photo from BTS facebook.

BTS leader RM is recovering from a septoplasty operation.

He must have suffered beyond imagination.

On February 5, BTS' label BigHit Entertainment announced that RM was treated according to the doctor's recommendations that he undergo a surgery.

BigHit revealed that RM had a hard time breathing due to having a displaced nasal septum. He had been trying to fit in time for a surgery for a long time, but only found time to do so recently.

Photo from BigHit Entertainment

Photo from BigHit Entertainment

Nasal septum deviation, in which the nasal septum - the bone and cartilage dividing the nasal cavity of the nose in half - is off-center or crooked, cuts off the air from flowing freely inside one's nose. The deviation can be adjusted with a surgery. Like what BigHit Entertainment said, the victim of the disease can be hindered in carrying on with one's everyday life, as the deviation causes breathing through one's nose to be very hard.

BigHit elaborated that "RM was admitted to the hospital and left only recently. He will be visiting the hospital regularly, checking up on his recovery from the procedure."

By Gothesun and Suwon Han