G-8 정상회담에 관한 외교부 성명



제 목G-8 정상회담에 관한 외교부 성명기 관외교통상부구 분기타첨부화일1. 정부는 금번 오키나와에서 개최된 G-8 정상회의에서 G-8 정상들이 7.21「한반도에 관한 특별 성명」을 채택한 것을 환영한다.2. 이번 특별 성명이 한반도 나아가 동북아의 평화와 안정을 위한 국제사회의 기원을 담고 있고, 남북정상회담의 역사성과「6·15 남북공동선언」에 대한 지지를 피력한 것을 평가한다. 외교부 대변인G-8 STATEMENT ON THE KOREAN PENINSULAWe warmly welcome the Summit Meetingbetween the ROK and the DPRK heldin Pyongyang on 13-15 June 2000 and underline the historic importance ofthis meeting.We fully support the positive developments set in train the by the meeting,and encourage the South-North dialogue to continue and advance further.We sincerely hope that such a process, including the faithful implementationof the South-North Joint Declaration, will usher in a new era in inter-Koreanrelations and reduce the tensions in the Korean Peninsula.We strongly support all efforts by the ROK and the DPRKto reduce tensionand establish lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula that contribute tostability in Northeast Asia.We reiterate also our strong support for the ROK's engagement policy whichis contributing to positive developments We welcome the constructive attitudeshown by the DPRK, and take note of the reconfirmation of its moratorium onmissile-launch as a positive step. We call on the DPRK to continue suchefforts.In this context, we look forward to a constructive response to internationalconcerns over security, non-proliferation, humanitarian and human rightsissues.