[베스트셀러(종합 하드커버)] 5월 8일




1. Eats, Shoots & Leaves
Lynne Truss, Gotham Books, 17.50달러,

2. The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown, Doubleday, 24.95달러,

3. The South Beach Diet
Arthur Agatston, Rodale Press, 24.95달러,

4. Founding Mothers
Cokie Roberts, William Morrow, 25.95달러,

5. Plan of Attack
Bob Woodward, Simon & Schuster, 28달러,

6. The Jane Austen Book Club
Karen Joy Fowler, Putnam Pub Group, 23.95달러

7. My Life
Bill Clinton, Knopf, 35달러,

8. The South Beach Diet Cookbook
Arthur Agatston, Rodale Press, 25.95달러,

9. The Narrows
Michael Connelly, Little Brown & Company, 25.95달러,

10. Alexander Hamilton
Ron Chernow, The Penguin Press, 35달러