"Maybe Grammy?" SUGA Says About BTS's Next Step



Photo from BigHit Entertainment(left), Youtube Screenshot(right)

Photo from BigHit Entertainment(left), Youtube Screenshot(right)

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Suga of BTS said that BTS's next goal is the Grammy Awards.

Grammys! BTS is coming for you!

On May 17, an interview of BTS done by an American magazine J-14 was uploaded on its official Youtube channel.

In the interview, interviewer Liam McEwan brought up last year's situation saying, "When we met last year, I asked what the next step was for BTS, and Suga said it was to perform at the BBMA. And Look where we are now!" Just like Suga's goal last year, BTS have been selected as a performer for 2018 Billboard Music Awards, at the same time being nominated for Top Social Artist award for the second time in a row.

This time, when the interviewer asked, "So what's the next next step for BTS?" Suga hesitated for a moment but soon replied, "Maybe Grammy?"

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Other members burst into laughter or shook their heads side to side as if they think Suga's answer is unrealistic.

However, the interviewer earnestly said, "But watch. Next time you'll be like 'So (we're at) the Grammys!'" RM thoughtfully added, "Grammy is like a whole another world so... I think he said it for the first time, so he might not be joking."

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Until now, every goal BTS have set has been realized. Looking back at what they have achieved in the past years, Suga's new goal does not seem like an impossible thing at all.

☞ Related part starts from 5:35

By Grace and Soohyoun Nam voomvoomk@gmail.com