What Did TWICE SANA Do to ONCE on a Cold Winter Day?



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Adorable Sana makes ONCE happy.

No Sana, no life?

TWICE was the guest of MBC radio program KangTa's The Starry Night in winter last year.

This day, TWICE was in a radio booth where people could see them from outside through a transparent glass wall.

Sana started to worry her fans ONCE outside on a cold day.

She asked, "Are you not cold?" "Are you not hungry?" "Are you okay?" "Can you see us?" time to time throughout the radio broadcasting.

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A fan loving appearance of Sana became the talk of the town. Netizens are sharing her photos while saying, "we understand why Sana is getting loved."

By Grace and Jaeyeon Ryu voomvoomk@gmail.com