BTS JUNGKOOK Becomes Another Victim of a Clinging Fan



Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

BTS Jungkook also became a victim of a clinging fan.

After V, Jungkook also had to suffer T_T

Previously, on July 6, V became the center of attention for his actions that looked like he was taking pictures of a fan who constantly followed him at an airport. Some fans criticized V for behaving unprofessionally, but as the fact that he was actually just pretending became known, more fans were worried.

Photo from Online Community

Photo from Online Community

Making all the concerns useless, Jungkook became the next victim. On July 8, when BTS returned to Korea through Incheon Airport, a fan persistently chased Jungkook and even snatched his wrist.

Even at this fan's rude action, Jungkook, who looked extremely tired, didn't do anything, but just calmly walked forward. Fortunately, a manager instantly spotted the fan and removed her hand from Jungkook.

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Jungkook is entering Korea through Incheon Airport on July 9, Photo from Ilgan Sports

Jungkook is entering Korea through Incheon Airport on July 9, Photo from Ilgan Sports

Upon seeing this incident, fans are expressing their anger about disrespectful fans, writing comments such as, "Just the day before he looked so happy", "I wish we can banish those kind of fans out of our world", "He's still 22 years old, it would be so hard for him to bear all the amount of love. Don't make kookie suffer, you sasaengs!"

By Gothesun and Soohyoun Nam