JENNIE Reveals that She Refrains From 'This' Food During Promotion Period



Photo from Youtube Screenshot, Instagram @jennierubyjane

Photo from Youtube Screenshot, Instagram @jennierubyjane

Jennie spoke about her secret to maintaining a good shape.

That was the secret to her perfect body!

On June 26, Jennie appeared on the radio show, SBS Power FM Choi Hwa-jeong's Power Time, together with other BLACKPINK members.

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

When she was asked about how she manages her figure, she answered, "I try not to eat salty foods during the promotion period. I try to have a low-salt diet."

She further said, "Before going into promotion, I exercise steadily, doing yoga or pilates. Although working out is tiring, I kind of like that process. After exercising, I become more inclined to eat healthy food too."

Photo from Instagram @jennierubyjane

Photo from Instagram @jennierubyjane

Photo from Ilgan Sports

Photo from Ilgan Sports

To the question asking, "How do you hold back yourself from eating salty foods?", Jennie replied, "When I monitor our stage, I sometimes look very round, and fans tease me with the nickname 'dumpling'. So I'm holding back, thinking of that."

Photo from Ilgan Sports

Photo from Ilgan Sports

By Bongbong and Soohyoun Nam