Happiest Moments in the Lives of BTS ③ : J-HOPE's Most Memorable Moment Was with South American Fans



ⓒ Ilgan Sports

ⓒ Ilgan Sports

If you were to pick one boy band most loved in the world at the moment, BTS would certainly make the cut. BTS enjoys a global adoration and popularity. Which moment in their successful career would the BTS boys pick as their happiest? "ARMYs" was the first thought that popped into their minds. The seven superstars take turns to share the happiest moment in their lives as BTS.

"I remember thinking how loved we are by fans," he confessed.

J-Hope told during an interview with SK Telecom last year that the happiest moment in his career was the first-ever stadium concert.

"I feel happiest when I perform in front of a big audience," he confessed.

ⓒ Ilgan Sports

ⓒ Ilgan Sports

J-Hope also talked about the most memorable moment from BTS' concert tour in South America. "I remember thinking to myself, how loved we are by our fans. They sang our songs from the beginning to the end. That gave us so much energy," he said.

BTS' 2017 concert tour titled "BTS LIVE TRILOGY EPISODE III THE WINGS TOUR" was held in nineteen different cities around the world, holding over forty performances in total.


By Grace and Arin Kim voomvoomk@gmail.com