BTS Become Exclusive Models For Vitamin Brand 'Lemona'


입력 2019.10.07 18:04

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Kyung Nam Pharmacy, most well known for their Lemona vitamins, announced that BTS became their newest model.
Lemona is the No.1 vitamin C product in Korea. It's a classic vitamin powder that you can eat directly out of the package and it's a household name for most Koreans. 

Their fun and bright personalities make them worthy to become a model for a vitamin C product

Kyung Nam Pharm director Lim Do-hyung who was in charge of setting up the contract with BTS told "We will do our best in starting various promotions and making the advertisement with BTS. Through the contract we are trying to spread out overseas and develop Lemona into a global vitamin brand".
He also added that there will be BTS collab products coming up including Lemona vitamin drinks which will change the vitamin drink market.
By Flora Lee and Bongbong

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