The World's First Celebrity To Wear A Swimsuit To the Airport: MONSTA X WONHO


입력 2019.07.15 17:18

수정 2019.07.15 17:19

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Photo from Twitter @monlusy

Congrats Monsta X Wonho! You are probably the first-ever celebrity to wear swimsuit shorts to the airport!

Photo from Twitter

Ok, to be perfectly honest, I actually I haven't been able to fact-check that because apparently there wasn't an exactly a timeline or a world record of celebrities who wore swimwear to the airport. 

A swimsuit to the airport?! You'll be surprised at how good it looks

What a shame though. Considering how good Wonho looks in those swim shorts, there very well should be a list.

Photo from Twitter

Honestly, the truth is who cares if he's wearing swimwear, or sleepwear or any kind of wear for that matter. He looks fine as h***. And surprisingly appropriate.  
His shirt is from Balenciaga and his shorts are from Vetement. And that ensemble looks like it was made to be. Nobody would have guessed that the shirt is for drylands and the short was made for underwaters. Quite amphibian. 

If you ask me, (even though nobody did), what catches my eye is how short the shorts are rather than if they're swimwear or not. Men should be able to wear short shorts in the summer without their masculinity or sexual preference being questioned and ridiculed! Hopefully, Wonho looking this fly in the outfit is going to open a world of wonders for men and their short shorts.  

Photo from Twitter @OfficialMonstaX

By Yeonseung Kim and Bongbong

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