What are emojis that BTS V Uses? (There are 2!)


입력 2018.12.21 10:39

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Photo from twitter

Kakaotalk is the most popular messenger in Korea. Of course, BTS members use it too. On Twitter or on live broadcasts, BTS members having conversations on Kakaotalk is often spotted. This time, the emojis that V uses in his practical life are revealed and it has caught fans' attention.
Last month, on KBS 2TV 2 Days & 1 Night, during app mission, Kim Joon-ho made an attempt at conversation with V.

The emojis look cuter when he uses them

The following is how the conversation went between them. 

Photo from V LIVE Screenshot


Photo from V LIVE Screenshot

2018/11/9 Friday 
Kim Joon-ho (2:03 PM): I love you V. And I love ARMY too. Keep it up!!!
Kim Joon-ho (2:15 PM): I texted you because I had a V app mission on 2 Days & 1 Night^^ There are lots of fans of yours^^ Can you say something for them?
V (2:20 PM): Sorry I was in the middle of practicing. How have you been hyung? I've watched you doing great on the show. Stay safe and hope you have a great time filming the show~ Oh, ARMYs are there? haha I purple you ♥

Kim Joon-ho (2:20 PM): Can you say that in English? They are foreigners^^

V (2:21 PM): We purple u ♥
Kim Joon-ho (2:20 PM): Oh, thank you purple
V (2:22 PM): This is what only ARMY and we know haha
Kim Joon-ho (2:23 PM): I purple you too ^^
V: I love you too~~ I hope you all the best!
After the conversation was revealed, fans said that they couldn't help but fall in love with V's sweetness. It was because even though V texted Kim back in 5 minutes, he still explained why he wasn't able to text right back.

Photo from V LIVE Screenshot


Photo from V LIVE Screenshot

From this conversation, some fans who were quick enough were able to pick up on what emojis V use. 

Photo from Online community


Photo from Online community


Photo from Online community


Photo from Online community

The emojis that V used to Kim Jooho are 'Do not disregard! Spry the old Mr.Kim' and 'Moving Moorung'. 
It has elicited a response from fans such as "V only uses emojis that are as cute as himself is". 
By Gothesun and Jay Yoo voomvoomk@gmail.com