BTS Dubbed "Music's Biggest Social Media Phenomena" by TIME


입력 2018.02.12 10:55

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Photo from Ilgan Sports

EXO·BTS·Red Velvet·Twice·iKON·Seventeen are the six K-pop "standout groups" as identified by the American weekly news magazine TIME.

TIME's February 9th-released article introduced the six groups under the title "These Are the Best K-pop Groups You Should Know About."

A true K-pop fan would know inside-out all six groups.

TIME explained that K-pop "mobilizes millions of fans on social media daily," and that "fans fill stadiums from Chile to China."

Photo from online community

The article noted BTS as "one of music's biggest social media phenomena," justifying the label on BTS' Twitter followers exceeding 12 million and winning the Top Social Artist at last year's Billboard Music Awards.

Photo from Ilgan Sports

The article explained that EXO "have regularly broken records for the concert and album sales." 

By Gothesun and Suwon Han