IU Doesn't Forget to Mention the Late JONGHYUN of SHINee in Her Speech


입력 2018.01.11 11:29

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IU won the Grand Prize for the digital singles category at The 32nd Golden Disc Awards held on January 10. "Through the Night" was the song that earned her the much-coveted award, the lyrics to which the singer had written herself. IU became the first ever female solo artist to win the category's grand prize. 
"This song was released in March last year, and I thank all those who have loved the song all throughout the four seasons," she said. She thanked the composer of the song, the production team, the music video producer, and her fans. "I felt lucky working on this song and I'm thankful for this song for bringing me luck," she added.  

"I don't think I'm the only one," she said, confessing her feelings.

But that wasn't the end of her speech. 
"Can I say something more?" she asked, proceeding to mention SHINee's Jonghyun who passed away on December 18.


"To be honest, I'm still quite sad that I had to say goodbye to a friend and a musician who was very close to me," she said, adding, "I don't think I'm the only one."

"You're happy when you're happy, and you're sad when you're sad. That's only natural," she told the audience. "Being an artist means consoling other people and sometimes that gets in the way of taking care of yourself," she explained, offering an advice to fellow musicians. "I hope none of us has to suffer for having to hold your feelings back," she wrapped up her speech, congratulating this year's winners and wishing them all a good night.
By Grace and Arin Kim voomvoomk@gmail.com