SOLJI of EXID to Undergo Surgery for Exophthalmos


입력 2018.01.04 11:30

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Solji of EXID


Solji of EXID

Solji of EXID will undergo surgery for exophthalmos.
Her agency Banana Culture Entertainment released a statement on January 4 that while "her thyroid hormone level has returned to normal," she will be receiving an orbital decompression surgery for symptoms of bulging eyes.

Please wish her well - she needs your support.

"We will need about a month or two of time to see if she is healthy enough to join the team again," her agent added.
Orbital depression surgery is an operation that reduces the protrusion of the eye, a symptom common to thyroid disease.
The 28-year-old star was diagnosed with thyroidism in December 2016, after which she went on a hiatus from work.

By Bongbong and Arin Kim