MAROON 5 Follows BTS On Twitter


입력 2017.12.18 10:51

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Maroon5 vocal Adam Levine(left) and BTS' RM.

Photo from Twitter @maroon5

BTS' Twitter account is the first Korean account to reach ten million followers, with reaching more than six million followers in this year alone.
In addition, a world-famous artist was recently added to the many BTS followers. The artist in question is Maroon 5. Maroon 5, a band selling over twenty million albums worldwide, is both praised among music fans and critics. 

BTS is that famous.

Photo from Twitter @maroon5

Twitter @maroon5 'liked' this BTS tweet. Photo from @BTS_twt

Maroon 5's Twitter account, with over fourteen million followers, has recently followed BTS' Twitter account. Maroon 5's Twitter account only follows 451 accounts, and one of the few is BTS'. What's more, Maroon 5 'liked' a recently BTS-uploaded post. The post features BTS member Jimin running across an empty stage.
Fans are expressing their awe, stating "this is unbelievable" "Maroon 5 for real?" 
By Gothesun and Suwon Han