WannaOne's Kang Daniel Experiencing Severe Symptoms Of The Flu


입력 2017.12.06 16:35

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WannaOne's Kang Daniel is sick with the flu.

Photo from Facebook.

According to several relevant sources from the music industry who spoke on Dec. 6, Kang Daniel, since Dec. 5, is suffering from a severe symptom of the flu. 

Sick to the point of cancelling all his schedules, but Kang Daniel insists he meet his fans.

Running a high fever, with his voice cracking up, Kang Daniel can barely manage to stand up, sources say. 

Photo from Instagram @wannaone.official

On Dec. 5, Kang Daniel made a visit to the hospital to get a shot, but he doesn't seem to have recovered. Kang Daniel canceled all his pre-planned schedules and made arrangements for further visits to the hospital.

Photo from Instagram @wannaone.official

Kang Daniel, despite his feeble state, will meet his fans later today (Dec. 6) even for a brief moment, as he wishes to meet and greet his fans, and also give an apology pertaining to reasons why he can't stay longer.

Kang Daniel's upcoming schedules will be adjusted relevantly, after talks with media officials.
By Bongbong and Suwon Han voomvoomk@gmail.com