EXO's Baekhyun Wants You to Love Him More Than Your Boyfriend … Do You?


입력 2017.11.06 17:39

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Baekhyun's Instagram(@baekhyunee_exo)

Baekhyun of EXO is the ultimate “aekyo” K-Pop star. 
While he is just as adorable on stage, fans who have met this “aekyo” prince at fan events will tell you that his charm is even more irresistible in person.

One fan tweeted a voice recording of the conversation she had with Baekhyun.

On September 16, EXO held a fan signing event at a venue in Seoul. 

"Lies! Can you care for me more than you care for your boyfriend?"

One fan, who was particularly touched by her encounter with Baekhyun, recorded and shared her conversation with the star online. 
According to the voice recording, Baekhyun tells the fan, half-jokingly and rather flirtatiously, that he wants the fan to “care for [Baekhyun] more than [the fan] care[s] for [her] boyfriend.”

Baekhyun of EXO

The transcript of the recording is as follows:

Fan: I know other fans have probably asked you this but are you okay?
Baekhyun: I’m good!
Fan: It makes me sad that you’re sick. Even more so than had my boyfriend been sick.
Baekhyun: You have a boyfriend?
Fan: (laughs)
Baekhyun: You do, don’t you?
Fan: It’s you, Baekhyun.
Baekhyun: Lies! You said you have a boyfriend. Can you care for me more than you care for your boyfriend?
Fan: Of course. I care more for you!
Baekhyun: Thank you.

Baekhyun's Instagram (@baekhyunee_exo)


Baekhyun's Instagram (@baekhyunee_exo)

Fans report that Baekhyun told another fan to tell him that she "love[s] [him]” on the same day. 
Fans are swooning over Baekhyun’s jealous-boyfriend act. Don't you think he is just the sweetest?
By Gothesun and Arin Kim voomvoomk@gmail.com