RED VELVET's Zimzalabim Choreography Could Have Been Completely Different


입력 2019.06.24 11:17

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Photo from Ilgan Sports

Red Velvet just revealed what could have been the choreography for their title song, 'Zimzalabim'!
And I must say it's quite... different...

See what could have been Zimzalabim's main choreography! It's... something else...

Why don't we watch the clip first, shall we?
This was disclosed during an episode of Waiting room check-in live. For those of you who don't understand Korean, here's what they say: 
Seulgi: This dance move was also pretty cool. This is the first time we're showing this!
Other members: Show us! Start! 
(shows dance moves) 
Joy: No you have to point up! 
Seulgi: I didn't learn this part.  
Irene: There's something more in the end. You know with both hands. 
Joy: No, no. You have to do a cutting motion like this.  
Seulgi: Yea there was also this part, so... 
Wendy: In the last chorus, it was...
Irene: We jumped up and down!
Seulgi: Like in an EDM party
Irene: No no not that. You have to lift up your knees
Seulgi: Oh yea this! And we thought that this would be too much for us to handle physically.
Irene: So, unfortunately, it wasn't picked.  

Unfortunate or fortunate? I like the current version of the choreography much better!
What do you think? Let us know in the comments! 
By Yeonseung Kim and Bongbong

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