BTS‘s New Song Boy With Luv Hit Only 493,508 in Two Hrs, Is That Real?


입력 2019.04.12 20:21

수정 2019.04.12 20:29

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Photo from Boy With Luv M/V Screenshot

On April 12th, a little past 6 p.m., Youtube showed strange signs. BTS just posted their new music video Boy With Luv, the title song of MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA.
Their comeback was predicted to bring an explosive reaction from fans all over the world, but oddly enough their view count remains at the number 493,508 for over two hours.  

How BTS broke the internet, AGAIN

493,508 Views and 1.24M Likes... Is this possible? Photo from Youtube Screenshot

This can only be explained as a webpage error from Youtube due to the many fans, who looked forward to BTS’s comeback, all hustling to see their new music video at the same time. The same had happened on 2018 August 24th, 6 p.m. At the time, BTS had just released the title song of Love Yourself: Answer, IDOL on Youtube. Youtube’s page server crashed and for a while, the video was completely unavailable.
Afterwards, Youtube must’ve taken the necessary precautions for BTS’s new comeback, but unfortunately failed again to manage the full force of fans, resulting in another page error.
BTS’s new singles dominated the charts from first to fifth on Korea’s music streaming app, Melon, but even there, the music streaming did not run smoothly due to the massive number of hasty downloads.

Can BTS overcome this recurrent nightmare of Youtube failures and manage to set a new record?  
Their last release, IDOL, hit 45 million views in the first 24 hours on YouTube. It is the third most-viewed music video in YouTube history. The current record for the most-watched music video in the first 24 hours is BLACKPINK‘s Kill This Love, which had 56.7 million views.
By Yeonseung Kim and BongBong