Wembley Stadium Operates Direct Bus Service For BTS Concert


입력 2019.03.08 15:22

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Photo from online community

Wembley Stadium, a venue where BTS is holding their concert in England in June has announced that they will be offering shuttle bus service to fans who are coming to BTS's show.
National Express, a British public transportation company that is known as the official coach provider for Wembley Stadium, tweeted to notify BTS fans of their offer by saying, "Attention BTS fans, we're offering direct coach travel to Wembley for the BTS World Tour!" with a link for booking attached.

Those of you who are going might as well check it out

Photo from Online community

The firm is currently taking reservations for the bus service. Concert-goers can board the coach from more than 50 locations throughout the country directly to the concert venue either on June 1st or 2nd. Adult return fares start from 28 pound.

Photo from Online community

For more detailed info, click here. 
By Jay Yoo and BongBong voomvoomk@gmail.com