Next BTS Concert in North Korea? Only Big Hit's Final Decision Remains


입력 2019.01.09 16:55

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Photo from Yonhap

The details over BTS's North Korea concert are being finalized with only Big Hit's final decision remaining. Korea's Ministry of Culture, An Minsuk has pushed forward plans for a K-pop Concert in September for the September 19th Pyongyang Declaration's first anniversary. 

Photo from Yonhap News

Photo from Online Community

It has been confirmed that idol groups such as BTS and others will be included in the lineup. An of the Department of Culture explained that "We have requested several idol groups' participation, including BTS, but have not yet received a reply." 

It's not a matter of if but when...only a matter of time.

Photo from Online Community

This concert will be held at the Neungrado May Day Auditorium, North Korea's biggest Auditorium. North Korea's intentions to alter the auditorium to a more modern version greatly influenced the decision for this event. An stated to have requested for remodeling and reconstruction of specific aspects and facilities of the Neungrangdo Auditorium in his last visit. 

Photo from Pyongyang Foreign Language Publishing House

Photo from Online Community

BTS's attendance is almost confirmed as An revealed that he had contacted Big Hit around the end of last year. An has declared his desire for to bring in popular culture into North Korea through this event. An also revealed a plan for a combined North-South concert for the first April 27th Panmunjom Declration anniversary next year. North Korea has yet to give detailed reply, but the world holds their breath to see whether the rising K-pop wave can truly being peace to this warring country. 
By Bongbong and SongGirl