What Makes JUNGKOOK and RM Burst Out Laughing Onstage??


입력 2018.12.24 17:21

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Photo from Online Community

BTS Jungkook and RM had an adorable moment together a few weeks back on December 9th, on the second day of their Love Yourself Tour in Taiwan.
Fans captured pictures of this cute little instance between Jungkook and RM.

I just love seeing them having so much fun as they perform!

The pictures are of Jungkook and RM, with RM wearing some groovy black sunglasses with the hood popped up on his black sweatshirt.

Photo from Twitter

Both boys are bursting at the seams with laughter, and you can see the humor in their expressions as they look at each other laughing aloud.

Photo from Twitter

Fans loved seeing their two boys having fun together onstage.

Photo from Twitter

But, this is only a picture. What could have happened that made Jungkook and RM laugh so hard?

Photo from Twitter

A few fans took a stab at the answers, stating that it probably has something to do with the odd sunglasses that RM is wearing.
Then one fan stated, as if they had seen firsthand, that RM was going to give the sunglasses to Jin, but the timing was off and he missed his opportunity. So instead, he just took the sunglasses and put it on himself! Jungkook must have seen the events unfold and laughed at RM wearing the silly glasses.
So glad to see the Bangtan Boys enjoying their performance together on stage! 

Photo from Twitter

By Bongbong and Malina Fairchild voomvoomk@gmail.com