CHA EUN-WOO's Mannequin-Like Body Proportions


입력 2018.12.24 17:21

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Photo from Twitter @offclASTRO

Cha Eun-woo is commonly known as the "face genius" for his great facial proportions and visuals. Whether or not he is your type, it is near impossible to deny the fact that he is just plan a good-looking guy. However, that's not just limited to his face either.

Cha Eun-Woo

From head to toe, Eun-woo has the ratio from the gods. Long legs, wide shoulders, thin but toned body, there really seems to be nothing wrong with his overall visual appearance.

Is it really humanly possible for someone to look this good??

Cha Eun-Woo


Cha Eun-Woo

His broad shoulders also emphasize his already small head, which in Korea is something people widely consider good-looking. In these pictures he uploaded on the ASTRO Twitter, you can see just how small his head is when he wears a mask. It practically covers his entire face!

Photo from Twitter @offclASTRO


Photo from Twitter @offclASTRO


Photo from Twitter @offclASTRO

Fans leave comments of pictures of Eun-woo wherever it may be, admiring his appearance. Fans left comments like "I'd like to live with a body/face like that for just a day," "With an appearance like his, he looks good whatever he wears," and "Amazing proportions."

Photo from Twitter

Even if you're late to the party, have no fear. Here are a few pictures of Cha Eun-woo to get you up to speed! 

Photo from Twitter


Photo from Twitter


Photo from Twitter

By Bongbong and Malina Fairchild