BTS' Little Brother Group? BigHit Confirms New Idol Group's Debut


입력 2018.11.27 14:23

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BTS's label, BigHit Entertainment announced that they are to debut a new boy group for the first time in six years since BTS first debut.

Photo from Yonhap News

According to media reports, BigHit's producer Bang Sihyuk confirmed the debut for a five-member boy group, following the footsteps of their brothers, BTS. The debut is scheduled for some time at the beginning of next year. 

Who will be the next BTS?

Photo from Facebook (BigHit Trainee)

Though neither the name nor the concept has been decided, for being the "little brother" group of BTS alone, the unnamed new BigHit group have been receiving the highest levels of attention as the most awaited group to debut in 2019.

Photo from BTS Official Twitter

As BigHit continued in their success of raising BTS into global stars, many had started to wonder when BigHit would showcase an all-new idol group. This new group rightly deserves its high exposure. For while many wait to see how BigHit Entertainment will further progress as a label through this new group, others also wait in expectation to finally see BigHit's six years of experiences and know-how with BTS to come into effect.
By Bongbong and SongGirl