People Regretting What They Wrote About BTS 5 Years Ago


입력 2018.11.19 16:24

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Photo from BigHit Entertainment

Since their debut 5 years ago, BTS has come a long way to international fame. It is arguable whether or not anyone would have believed it if someone had told them that BTS would win the Billboard Top Social Artist Award or would make it to the top of Hot Billboard 100.

Photo from BigHit Entertainment

Yet, here we are, and now, the people who thought BTS wouldn't make it five years ago have either gone into hiding or have switched over to being fans in order to compensate for their embarrassment. 

"Rap Monster? LOL What kind of name is that?"

In an article published over five years ago, the headline reads: "Bangtan Boys Debut, Role Model Big Bang, 'We Will Survive'" People laugh at this headline now, but for a different reason. Not only have they achieved their role models, but they have also gone over and above to surpass them. 

Photo from Star News Official Site Screenshot

Nevertheless, these were some of the comments left by netizens five years ago.
"I don't know much about you guys but dude, Big Bang is too high."

"I mean, it's all cool and everything, but really, can't you do something about your name? It's so old-fashioned, how do you plan to get popular with that kind of name?" ("Bangtan" means bulletproof in Korean)
"Rap Moster? LOL Suga? You're killing me, what kind of name is that?"
"You should have gone ahead and named them Bangtan Helmet, or Bangtan Vest."
"Erm, it's good to respect Big Bang, but if you're just using that name to for an exposure effect, stop it."
"It's your first time in the Entertainment Industry, right? Watch out."

Photo from NEWS1

Photo from Times

I don't know about you, but this author thinks it isn't BTS that needs to watch out. Watch out world, as this phenomenal boy band will continue to amaze and astonish us.
By Bongbong and SongGirl