"The Hope of Asia" Steve Aoki's Review After Collab With BTS


입력 2018.11.01 16:32

수정 2018.11.01 16:45

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Photo from Steve Aoki Twitter Account

Since BTS first started down the road toward international success, BTS's collaborations have caught the attention of both worldwide fans and non-fans alike. 
BTS's latest collab with Grammy-nominated DJ and producer Steve Aoki, "Waste It On Me" has been brought to the fore once again after an interview with Steve Aoki.

Acknowledged by a Grammy-nominated genius?

Photos from Online Community

Steve Aoki explained that he had always wanted to meet BTS after seeing their various sides on social media. He described how he and the boy group first met in 2017 where he invited them over to his house and enjoyed a meaningful time of Bromance with them. They released their first collaboration, a remix of "Mic drop," soon after.  

Photos from Online Community

For this collab, however, Aoki had wanted to try something a little bit more ballad-like. When he first received the recording from BTS he said he hadn't wanted to change anything. Unlike when working with other artists, with whom he usually needed to go through a process of revision and feedback, he was tempted to leave BTS's first recording exactly the way it was. "I didn't want to change the raw innocence you could hear in their voices," Aoki confessed.

Photo from Official BTS Twitter Account

Steve Aoki especially emphasized BTS's ability to transcend cultural boundaries. He highly evaluated their success. "BTS achieved what even English artists could not," Aoki professed, "and even 20 years from now, their success will be recorded in history as having dominated the Asian mainstream. I am grateful that I was able to work with such a group."

Photo from Ilgan Sports

When asked what Steve Aoki thought the main cause for their success was, Steve answered: "There are probably multiple factors. However, I think a major factor might be because BTS successfully broke through the boundaries of language and culture to reveal their true self to the world. This is their appeal, and it is my belief that this phenomenon they created serves as a hope and a dream for many others. They show the world that through hard work and an unceasing effort to exceed one's own limits, it is possible to achieve the results they did." 
By Bongbong and SongGirl voomvoomk@gmail.com