WATCH: JIMIN, J-HOPE, And V Reveal a Hilarious but Touching T-shirt


입력 2018.10.24 14:59

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Photo from online community


Photo from online community


Photo from Twitter

Today, the 24th, BTS has finally come back to their motherland, Korea, after 52 days of a successful world tour.
Of all things, the shirts that Jimin, J-Hope, and V were wearing caught people's eyes. 

How cute is it for them to do something like this for their fans ?!

They were wearing the same white shirt that reads, "BTS Park Jimin, we support you and we love you" all over the shirt, partially on the front and partly on each side of the arm.
-Moreover, on the back of the shirt, it says 'I am ARMY' with a heart surrounding it. 
This shirt was derived from an idea that Jimin casually came up with and the three of them decided to make it happen for their fans.

After posing for pictures, J-Hope ran off as if he were embarrassed. 
After the event, fans responded, "I'm so grateful that they never change despite the international success they achieved," "I am so touched."
This afternoon, BTS is planned to receive an award in 2018 Korea pop culture & art award
By Bongbong and Jungheon Yu