"When I Opened My Eyes It Was Pitch Black," The Whole Scoop On iKON KIM JIN-HWAN's Kidnapping Incident??


입력 2018.10.17 17:44

수정 2018.10.17 17:56

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Photo from MBC Screenshot

iKON member Koo Jun-hoe revealed the whole story of Kim Jin-hwan's kidnapping incident on MBC every1's show Video Star on October 16.

Photo from MBC Screenshot

The entire iKON group made their appearance on the show, and MC Sunny started the conversation, saying, "I heard that there was a time when Jun-hoe felt something mysterious about Jin-hwan." Sunny continued on to ask Koo Jun-hoe, "I even heard that you were a little scared, is that right?"

What happened to our Jin-hwan!?

Photo from MBC Screenshot

Jun-hoe responded, "I was a little dubious, because I wondered if this was really the kind of hyeong he was. Hyeong had drunk quite a bit, so we were eating together to relieve his hangover. But then hyeong, terribly frightened, says to me 'I was so scared.'"
He explained, "But to give you the facts first, hyeong said to me, 'I thought I had been kidnapped,' but in reality, he was drunk and then went into the security office closet and fell asleep."

Photo from MBC Screenshot

Jin-hwan defended himself, saying "I'm not normally like that, but it was the first time I had drunk in a while, and I blacked out. So then when I opened my eyes, it was pitch black. I wondered what was going on so I felt beside me, and there was a kitchen knife."

Photo from MBC Screenshot

Continuing on, Jin-hwan said, "So I busted out of the room, but turned out to be the calm, middle of the day in at our apartment complex. So I put down the knife and quietly walked away."

Photo from MBC Screenshot

MC Park Na-rae commented on this, saying, "I know someone who works at a center, you can go in for a consultation. There's nothing wrong with that!"

Photo from Ilgan Sports

By Bongbong and Malina Fairchild voomvoomk@gmail.com