'Topped All Music Charts!' IU Even Assimilates 'Hip' Style of Music


입력 2018.10.11 18:01

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Photo from IU Twitter

IU once again hit the music chart.  

Instead of taking off the warm emotion of 'Through the Night, this time she made a trendy transformation. 

You can check IU's colorful transformation!

Photo from IU music video screenshot

On the morning of October 11, IU's 10th anniversary single track 'BBIBBI' topped major music charts such as Melon and Genie. 
According to Melon, the number of users who listened to 'BBIBBI' for 24 hours exceeded 1,190,000. 
With the support of female 20s, IU showed herself as a "Wannabe Star".

In her music, IU honestly and boldly expressed the feelings that she felt while promoting for 10 years.
Also, she warned with a yellow card to the various gossips and the rumors that weave her with surrounding people. 
With the lyric, "Let's get started without introduction", "It's me. Nothing different", IU seems like to reveal unchanged herself even though it's 10th anniversary.   
In the music video, you can check IU's colorful transformation. 
She showed various hairstyles and costumes which the style that frequently seen in hip-hop scenes. 
Also, in the refrain, "Over this line, it's an invasion. Manners are this far" which contains IU's dance performance, you can feel the hip-hop feelings.
It has surpassed 3,300,000 views even in a day since its release and keep attracting popularity.  

According to her management, IU has challenged the alternative R&B genre through BBIBBI
Leading on from Through the Night's sentimental and heartrending emotion, which caught popularity last year, IU's new change is catching a hot attention. 
IU contained the message of warning to the people who overstep the 'line' or being rude in a relationship modernly with a unique sound.
Also, IU wrote the lyric by herself and became a producer.  

Photo fro IU facebook

IU who marks 10th anniversary will hold '2018 IU 10th anniversary tour concert-dlwlrma (NOW)' from the end of October in Busan, Gwangju, and Seoul.
Also, her concert will be continued in 4 Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, and Taipei until the end of this year.  
By Bongbong and Chaeyeong Kim voomvoomk@gmail.com