ASTRO's CHA EUN WOO Gave a Good Scolding to His Teenage Fan Who Gave up Her School Exam to See His V LIVE


입력 2018.08.08 15:49

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Photo from V LIVE

Cha Eun Woo said something very sharp to his teenage fan who gave up a school exam for his V LIVE. 

In the middle of having a V LIVE, Cha Eun Woo got startled when he saw a comment his fan has left. 

What do you think about his brother-like scolding!

One teenage fan commented that she gave up her school exam to see Eun Woo. And he immediately responded "No. This is unacceptable. I can open this V app once again tonight, but your missed exam doesn't return. You shouldn't give up your exam. Please do your best on your academic work."
Actually, Cha Eun Woo excelled in studies, when he was a student. He even was ranked third within the entire school and was frequently elected as a class president and school president. 
By Goldbin and Jaeyeon Ryu