"For WANNABLES" WANNA ONE Members Made Their Sudden Appearance at Samseong Station in Seoul


입력 2018.08.07 11:15

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Photo from online community

Wanna One's Kang Daniel, Ong Seong Wu, Park Woo Jin and Hwang Min Hyun made their sudden appearance at Seoul, Samseong station on August 6. 
They've come to this place solely for their fans.  

Aren't they so thoughtful? What an ideal artist-fan relationship ♥♥♥

Despite a hectic schedule and overseas tour, these 4 visited Samseong station to take a look at the electronic display board event fans have prepared to celebrate Wanna One's first debut anniversary.  

Photo from online community

Photo from online community

Photo from online community

On this day, fans' proof shots of them flooded on Twitter and it spread rapidly through social networks. 
Members wore masks to conceal themselves, but their aura wasn't suppressible. 

To treasure events that fans prepared for the group, members took photographs of the electronic display board with their own cameras.  

Photo from online community

Photo from online community

Photo from online community

On the same day, Ong Seong Wu through fan cafe mentioned "Today, I, Min Hyun, Daniel, and Woo Jin went to see the advertisement celebrating our first debut anniversary after having dinner at the nearby place. We weren't able to visit all the places but we've made a national tour at least in our minds. Thank you for these priceless presents, and it was even prettier than I thought it would be. We would like to cherish these beautiful moments with Wannables."
By Goldbin and Jaeyeon Ryu voomvoomk@gmail.com