Members of TWICE Leave Touching Messages to Fans in Celebration of 1,000 Days Anniversary


입력 2018.07.17 18:03

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Photo from Instagram @twicetagram

July 15 was TWICE's anniversary of 1,000 days! In celebration of 1,000 days anniversary, members of TWICE left messages for fans on their official Instagram account. 
First, Nayeon uploaded four selfies, in which she expressed the number '1,000' by holding up her forefinger in the first picture and by making three zeros in the rest. 

Their messages are so touching…T_T

Along with the pictures, she left a caption saying, "Today must have been especially tiring and hot but, thanks so so much for still coming to cheer for us. I should've laughed and talked much more, I'm sad I couldn't." Then she went on, "And already 1,000 days! There was no performance like the one we did for 500 days, but instead my selfies." In the end, she added a hashtag saying, "I was grateful and happy during the 1,000 days."
Chaeyoung also uploaded pictures of herself and wrote, "It's 1,000 days anniversary of TWICE today. I love you, our TWICE and ONCE. TWICE can exist because ONCE exist. From now on, let's add many more 0 behind 1,000."

Photo from Instagram @twicetagram

Dahyun also left a message, saying, "Congratulations to our 1,000 days. The times ONCE and TWICE were together. Hope the days to come our filled with only happy things. Thank you, our ONCE."

Photo from Instagram @twicetagram

Jihyo left the longest message among all the members. She expressed her amazed feelings by writing, "Can you believe it's already been 1,000 days since our debut? Maybe because we've been too busy, I can hardly believe that the time that amounts to 1,000 days have passed! Plus, it's my 13th year of entering JYP." She looked back on her memories, saying, "Entering this company and learning this and that at a very young age 13 years ago, I couldn't enjoy my age like my peers. But I never felt regretful about those things. Of course, there were moments I wanted to give up, but I don't think I ever regretted." 
"As if that heart has been proved, ONCE made me beloved, made me feel happy, and made me realize my unknown self," Jihyo expressed her gratitude. She also didn't forget to mention her sincere wish about the future that, "Even when our lives get so busy after 2,000, 3,000 days, that we can't even care about each other, I wish these moments remain as a happy memory and wish that we last as people who can brighten up your feelings just by recalling. But of course, we'll surely be together!"


Photo from Instagram @twicetagram

TWICE released its second special album Summer Nights, on July 9, and the title track Dance the Night Away, is still topping major streaming charts until the afternoon of July 16. 
By Grace and Soohyoun Nam