Are You Sure You Are A Genuine ARMY? Try To Solve These Questions to Join BTS' Official Fan Cafe!


입력 2018.07.02 17:24

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There's a process of 'authentication' for BTS' fans as a real fan. While BigHit Entertainment runs BTS' official fan cafe (, it's been said that the procedure of joining isn't that straightforward. Unlike fan cafe of other celebrities asking debut song or debut date, BTS fans are reportedly asked something way more specific. 

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There is a long, winding road ahead of fans to become the member of the fan cafe. 

Do you know what AFAT is?

If you've expected the first question to be easy, you're wrong. Below are the exam questions in Army Fancafe Admission Test (AFAT) presented in the second week of last month. (Test yourselves too!)
▶In the 51st episode of RUN BTS! 2018 V-LIVE, narrate stage names of team members in the order of age who got 5 points in the mission of Flume Ride.
▶Write down the date of birth of member wearing short pants during a dance practice of War of Hormone.  

These questions are very detailed, to an extent that any BTS related information, photos, videos or news are requested. Some people have thought of asking fan club members what the answers are, but it's useless. Exam questions differ every week. 

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After the written test, fans are assigned to present with BTS song streaming and music video playing for certification.
The day when you sign up for a fan cafe, you should listen to Fake Love through online music services such as "melon", and attach it to a photo file so that the date appears. The total length of Fake Love is 4 minutes and 2 seconds and it only acknowledges the photo captured after playing the song for at least 3 minutes and 50 seconds. 

Photo from online community

Music video authentification works in the same manner. You should capture the Youtube screen including the user's ID in the photograph. 
Even a tiny mistake cannot be tolerated in the process of being the regular member. 
Despite it's long and tough procedure, the result is very fruitful. If you pass the AFAT exam, you are now authorized to read the posts BTS updates on the fan cafe. 
By Gothesun and Jaeyeon Ryu