Lyrics of BTS' Song Was Used for a Lecture on Depression


입력 2018.06.20 18:05

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Photo from Mnet Screenshot

Magic Shop is a fan song made by Jungkook for ARMYs. "I made this song for you ARMYs. I hope it can console you guys," said Jungkook in BTS Comeback Show aired on Mnet. Now, it looks like Jungkook's wish is coming true for sure.
At a school in Brazil, BTS' song, Magic Shop was used for a lecture on depression. 

Was there any lyrics of BTS' song that consoled you in hard times?

Photo from Mnet Screenshot

On June 15, an ARMY living in Brazil, wrote on her Twitter, "Today in my school there was a lecture about depression and anxiety. A lot of people got pretty emotional. In the end, they handed out a paper with a piece of Magic Shop. I was really happy that BTS' lyrics were part of this awareness for the whole school." 
Along with this writing, she uploaded a picture of the paper that has Magic Shop's lyrics written in the Portuguese language.  

Photo from Twitter

Below is the part that was quoted in this paper.

I know you're hesitating
Because even if you tell your true heart
It all comes back as scars in the end
I won't say anything obvious like 'Cheer up'
Instead, I'll tell you my story
I always wanted to be the best
So I was always impatient and nervous
Comparing myself to others became my life
And my ambition, which used to be my weapon, became a leash that suffocates me
But then, as I looked back
I feel like I actually didn't wish to be the best
I wanted to console and move your heart
I want to take away your sadness and pain
Would you believe me
If I say I was afraid of everything too?
-Magic Shop, BTS 
By Bongbong and Soohyoun Nam