Evidences that EXO BAEKHYUN Adores 'Aeris' A LOT


입력 2018.06.20 10:27

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Photo from Online Community

EXO Baekhyun's extraordinary love for his fans is an issue.
Baekhyun recently started using Twitter to communicate better with EXO-L.

You Aeris are so lucky!

Stepping his first foot on Twitter, he seemed so unfamiliar with it that he asked, "Can anyone teach me how to use this?"
But in no time, he perfectly adapted to Twitter and started leaving tweets anytime; at meal times, in between schedules, and before going to sleep.  
Baekhyun always mentioned EXO-L on his social media. He recently moved the hearts of many fans by expressing his profound affection for them on his Instagram live broadcast. 

"During the fan signing events this time, there were so many people who told us that they felt happy, thanks to us. Everyone always tells us that they'll be our shield. I'm so thankful. But I want to be the shield for you guys." 
"Those of you who spent your teens and twenties with us, I hope each member of EXO could be a happy memory when you look back after time has passed. I hope this moment will be like that too. From now on, we'll protect and be the power for each other. Things like who's better and who's not don't matter. We're all from one space, 'EXO planet', so those things are really not important." 
"If our members and you guys think EXO is special and that we're your dearest ones, then that's enough. We're so happy when we're at concerts and stuff. Right? Aeri is Aeri. EXO is EXO. Our members are all the same too. We never lost our first motivations and still so happy to perform in front of EXO-L. If you guys shout and cheer for us, from debut till now, we always say, 'Wow, today's really daebak', 'I'm so happy today' after finishing our stage. I just wanted to say this. (Laugh) I love you. " 
By Golbin and Soohyoun Nam voomvoomk@gmail.com