"How can they have that many fans?" American Pop Star Wonders About BTS


입력 2018.05.16 10:45

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Photo from Twitter @charlieputh(left), Youtube Screenshot(right)

Even to a pop star from America, BTS's popularity is something to be envious of. The pop star we are talking about here is Charlie Puth, a popular American singer, and songwriter.
In an interview with a Taiwanese TV show uploaded on May 11 on Youtube, Charlie Puth spoke about BTS. "They are massive. I want that (amount of) social following. They're insane."

You can be proud of yourselves, ARMYs!

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Charlie Puth also knew well about the characteristics of BTS's fandom, ARMY. "When BTS gets nominated for something in American culture, there's like millions of 'let's make them win!' There's like a million retweets and everything," he explained and expressed his envy saying, "It makes me and Shawn Mendes (wonder) like 'How do we get this kind of fan base?'"
Up to the point of May 16, the number of followers on BTS's official Twitter account counts up to 14,714,125. BTS has already become the first-ever Korean figure to earn over 10 million followers on Twitter last November.  
Charlie Puth recently released his second album Voicenotes, on May 11. BTS and Charlie Puth are famous for being fans of each other; Puth has even written tweets such as, "I really like BTS's music" and "Yo @BTS_twt...DMs!!"

By Grace and Soohyoun Nam voomvoomk@gmail.com