How Could V be Not Awkward Acting in His Comeback Trailer 'Singularity'?


입력 2018.05.14 17:03

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Photo from Youtube

As the only member to appear in the drama, V's expressiveness in BTS music video is highly complimented by the viewers.  

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Photo from Youtube

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BTS LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear 'Singularity' Comeback Trailer was released through Youtube on May 6. It starts with a scene where V holds the hand of another, but it actually is his. He acted like it isn't his. When fans have seen this trailer, they've responded with such reactions "V has great expressiveness, how could he be not awkward acting with his hand like others?"

He is simply talented


Photo from BTS Official Twitter

Aside from Singularity, a new video clip has been dropped on the official Twitter of BTS on May 11. It seemed like it has been taken while V was preparing this album. On May 14, this video has exceeded over 5 million hits. A dreamy vibe that he appeals is truly admiring however, he also was mischievious by putting his lip piercing into his mouth. 

Photo from Bighit Ent.

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His work is so beautiful! Can't wait to see their comeback! 
By Gothesun and Jaeyeon Ryu