Reason Why RM Said "See that?" During Interview in the Philippines


입력 2018.05.11 14:49

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Photo from Youtube Screenshot

'Voomvoom' is introducing the episodes of 'BTS: BURN THE STAGE' of Youtube Red Originals that can be seen nowhere but in Korea, US, Australia, New Zealand, and Mexico. 'BTS: BURN THE STAGE' covers in-depth reporting of 300 days of '2017 BTS LIVE TRILOGY EPISODE III THE WINGS TOUR'. And now, Voomvoom is going to begin the backstage story of BTS that would bring tears and laughter to ARMY.

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

On 'BTS: BURN THE STAGE' Ep.6 'MOONCHILD'  released through Youtube on April 25, BTS's worries about the continued concert were depicted. BTS visited Manila, Philippines on May 6~7 last year. On this episode, a caption saying 'Philippines' passed by and members spoke about the burdens they feel that 'We have to show a perfect concert'.  

ARMYs in the Philippines, did you know how much RM cared about you guys?

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

Jimin: I feel a lot of pressure. I have a lot of things in my mind such as 'we have to look cool, I have to do a good job.' But then, there were many concerts that end in a rush. 

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

RM: We now have a flow. We know how much energy we should bring for which part. But then, we might fall into a mannerism, so we're trying to be careful. I think we're still looking for the right level; how much we should lead the audience. If I do it on my own, the energy can go up. But on the other side, that is an important point and keyword of BTS. (pointing to the fans' cheer under the stage) See, they come so excitedly like this. For these people who come after months of waiting, how can I calculate in my head to control my pace? So that's really difficult.  
During the interview, a big roar of cheers could be heard from the fans outside. RM showed a humble attitude, saying, "See, they come so excitedly like this. For these people who come after months of waiting, how can I calculate in my head to control my pace." 

Photo from Youtube Screenshot

As he finished the interview, RM went back to stage, showing his back. 
Those of you ARMYs in the Philippines, did you know that RM deeply worried about how to deliver himself and lead the audience? Looking back again, it is a very touching video. 
By Gothesun and Soohyoun Nam