Why 'No. 1 Streaming Site' Spotify Advertises BTS's Comeback on NY Times Square


입력 2018.04.19 10:05

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Spotify, a top-ranked music, and video streaming site advertised the comeback of BTS's third album on New York Times Square Billboard. BTS is having their comeback on May 18, with the third album LOVE YOURSELF 轉 TEAR

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April 18 (KST), one netizen has twitted "Came out of Disney store and suddenly saw this" with a link to a short video. According to the video clip, Time Square billboard advertised BTS's comeback album with a phrase 'BTS ARMY' LOVE YOURSELF 轉 TEAR reflecting the names of BTS's fan club and the title of their third album. With a finger heart figure attached to the advertising video clip, it has gone viral.   

Hey, you're an ARMY too!?

Photo from News1

Spotify also has advertised the remix version of MIC DROP last year, proving BTS's local popularity. 
By Gothesun and Jaeyeon Ryu voomvoomk@gmail.com