RED VELVET IRENE Standing Next to KIM JONG-UN Is No Accident, N. Korean Defector Says


입력 2018.04.05 11:43

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Kim Jong-un (center), Irene of Red Velvet (right) ⓒ Yonhap

ⓒ Yonhap

Irene of Red Velvet had the most rare photo-op when she visited the city of Pyongyang, North Korea's capital.
She got to be in a group photo with high-ranking North Korean officials among whom was the country's leader Kim Jong-un.

The rare photo-op has all been staged.

According to a North Korean defector, every element in the photo-shoot, including who stands next to whom, is likely staged.
Professor Kim Jeong-woong, who defected from North Korea to South, said on a CBS Radio Show that the group photo is "a 100% staged effort conscious of the South Korean media." 
"Having a member of Red Velvet, a K-pop group who is known at home and abroad, standing by his side sends a message that he's culturally open-minded," Mr. Kim explained, stating that "of course Kim Jong-un is conscious of the South Korean media response." 
The South Korean delegation of artists arrived at the Incheon International Airport at 3:40 a.m. on April 4 KST. 

By Grace and Arin Kim