How RM Contributed to a Social Enterprise by Touring Europe


입력 2018.03.14 10:16

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CONTINEW, a social enterprise, had an astonishing achievement. 
CONTINEW collects leather from scrap car parts to reform them into new products. When the company raised funds recently, the amount collected was 14 times bigger than usual.

He helps make the world a better place. ♥

The backpack made from waste tires quickly sold out and international shipping orders started pouring in.
The reason behind this sudden rise in sales was simple: RM had posted a photo of this backpack while he was in Europe last year.

Twitter @BTS_Twt (left), CONTINEW Website (right)

In the photos released by RM, he was sporting the backpack on his shoulder in some of the most well-known European cities including Interlaken. He wasn't advertising the brand or the bag, but the photos had an explosive advertising impact.

Fans took notice of everything that RM put on his body from his wallet to his belt. The backpack, in particular, garnered a lot of attention. When his fans found out that the backpack is a product from a social enterprise, they proceeded to donate to the company.

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According to SK Innovation on March 11, CONTINEW had initially aimed to raise $3,000. Instead, the company succeeded in raising close to $30,000 in just two days. The total sum raised was $40,273.
Half of the employees of CONTINEW belong to a socially disadvantaged class, including mothers whose careers have been disrupted by childbirth and North Korean defectors. It contributes to reducing waste materials from scrap cars. LG and Kia Motors are some of the corporations that support this company.

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By Grace and Arin Kim